Has anyone had this?

So according to my app I was suppose to get my period the 19-20 of this month it is the 23 and i have not gotten it. Before I was suppose to get my period and after I have been feeling nauseated but no vomiting and tired ive been taking 4-5 naps a day but only 30 minute naps. On Saturday I was at the store and felt this pulling pinching feeling on my left side mild cramp and it kept happening but not often then I started wiping pink and then it turned into brown and now if a slimy brown pink discharge. My boobs hurt and they usually hurt with my period but it’s different my nipples feel a little sore and I did have like a stinging feeling in the beginning.ive been having headaches and gas and still feeling cramps like period but mild when lay on my back and still spotting now for 3 days

when should I test or has this happened to anyone and have gotten a BFP later?