He said he’d cheat with me


So last night me and my husband were having one of those really intimate, good long chats. It’s rare nowadays with two boys under six, me going to school full time and working full time and him being a full time stay at home dad. We were drinking and chilling, listening to music just shooting the ship. The conversation moves into memories of when we first got together in high school and just talking about past relationships and how much we have changed and grown together. He said that over these past ten years we’ve kind of merged into the same person. We finish each other’s sentences, we often have the same ideas. We have basically all of the same morals and ideals. We talked about if anything were to happen to either one of us we wouldn’t be able to move on because he is my soul mate and I am his. He then said if we were to ever separate or divorce he’d still look at me as his best friend and “there would be no way that something wouldn’t happen if we ever got together” I asked him what he meant. He said “intimately, if we ever met up, something would happen” I asked him so does that mean you’d cheat on your partner with me? And he said yes, no doubt.

My husband is the most loyal person I have ever known so for him to say that completely took me off guard.

I told him I felt that even if we separated or divorced we would always end up back with each other because we are endgame, but I couldn’t see us breaking up for any reason so it’s not anything to worry about.

This man is my best friend, he is my soul mate, he is my lover and teacher and therapist and my rock. He is everything to me. And to know he feels the same way about me makes my heart so warm and happy. I love my husband more than words can ever possibly express.