New Implant, Brown Spotting?

I just got Nexplanon on June 5, the fifth and last day of my period. This was about two months after I had my baby and also my first period since having my baby. I ovulated from about June 10-16, and should start my next period theoretically on June 29. However, for the last three days (start June 22) I’ve had this weird brown spotting? I’ve started being able to see more and more lining/small clots but nothing consistent. Its a whole week til my next period is supposed to start. I know brown spotting is supposed to be normal when you start a new birth control. And I also know periods get irregular after giving birth anyway. I’m just concerned that this is somehow implantation bleeding, since the spotting appears similar and would appear to line up with the approximate time implantation bleeding would happen. I haven’t noticed any other symptoms other than pms-like symptoms (very emotional, mild cramping, difficult to sleep, tummy problems, etc).

I guess I’m just looking for advice. Did anyone else experience something like this starting their new birth control? Am I just crazy and reading into signs that aren’t there?