Help with stopping PIO injections!


Good Morning Ladies!! I will be 10 weeks on Saturday and my RE told me that’s when I stop my PIO and Estrace. I’ve been released to the OB and I checked with them to be sure and they assured me that 10 weeks is my stopping point. I’m on 2ml every morning but I have enough to get me through for 4 more days or I could drop my dose to 1ml and continue for 8 more days past 10 weeks. I am soooo ready to be off the injections so I can feel more like myself and hopefully some of my puffiness will go down. My question is do I stop as directed or wean myself with the medication I have left? I’m so scared to spot when I come off of it, but my doc assured me that there is enough progesterone coursing through my body that everything will be fine (especially with twins lol). What would you do? Any experiences?!

Thanks for any help!!