My very long story, sorry😬


Hi ladies!!!

I’m surprised there’s a group so early for August/ September! I was curious and checked and bam! There was one lol 🤗

Not sure if any of you know me but I have been in these groups since 2018 when I started <a href="">IVF</a>, I have had a case of bad luck for awhile now!

Long story short.

Did retrieval 9 made it to frozen (5 day embryos) non PGS tested because RE did not recommend it at the time (age 27 etc) had a frozen transfer due to OHSS.

1st FET (October 2019) transferred 1 , beta was 51 11dpt, and barely doubling resulted in an anembryonic pregnancy no HB @ my 6w5d appt. D&c done, sent out for testing and came back abnormal

2nd FET added aspirin (February,2020) transferred 2 embryos, resulted in a chemical 1st beta was a 40 11dpt, n then dropped completely after 2nd beta.

3rd FET added lupron for 2 1/2 months (June 2020) beta was 115 11dpt, another chemical 2nd beta dropped completely.

Currently waiting for bloodwork .. we did a Recurrent loss panel, Autoimmune panel, and a Karyotype panel on me and husband.

My next plan is to do another retrieval in August PGS test them along with my 4 remaining embryos from my previous retrieval, and hopefully transfer sometime in September! And praying that will be my last and final transfer for awhile 🤞🏽

I am hoping that it was just a bad batch of embryos, and nothing serious going on.. but I will get results sometime next week! I am excited to hopefully get it right this time!! And i told my dr if an era is needed “do whatever you have to do for a sticky baby!!”🤗 it’s been rough, failure after failure but I have faith and sometimes he puts us through so many obstacles and I am so ready for my rainbow after all these storms!!🤍🌈