Crazy hormones vs reality(lol)

Yup! These past few periods of mine have me going crazy! After my period I get a little baby fever. The thought of getting pregnant AGAIN and having a 2nd sounds very enticing but then I look at my 13 and half month old and say 'nu uh! I ain't ready for another one yet!' Lol.

I think part of me is ready(at least the part controlled by hormones) and part of me isnt ready. Dont get my wrong I love my daughter but shes a handful and even though I have my husband(who half ass helps most of the time😅) i don't think i can completely commit to a second child especially with my daughter being just a little over one.(I know she'd be older by the time another baby would come around. Between trying and the nine months after that lol)

My goal for baby number two is to wait another 2-4 years, more or less. That way our first gets our full attention and she'll hopefully be in preschool/kindergarten by the time #2 comes around.