Possible early miscarriage?

So I had a very painful period that came super late and lasted 1 day, I mean so painful to the point where I threw up and it was paralyzing, I could not move, my lower back, my lower abdomen, and my leg for some weird reason were in a nonstop intense cramp that lasted for hours. I couldn’t stop crying because of the pain and I took a lot of pain pills that seemed to not work. I kept getting super dizzy, and the nausea hit hard.. this lasted a day, there was a lot of tissue and super heavy bleeding but the next day the cramps weren’t nearly as bad and the bleeding went down to spotting and then stopped.. has this happened to anyone else.. I’m I’m refraining from using google 😅 any input would be really great..

Update: that happened April 28th- 30th my period has completely skipped May and it’s now the middle of June , I know I should have gone to the doctor for tests but just didn’t 😔 I’m not sure what has happened but I have also been under a lot of stress so I’m thinking that’s the reason for the period delay but please, any input.. thank you