Exclusive pumping

JS 🇬🇧

So I’ve been pumping for around 8 weeks now and always used the Elvie pump, I have a single pump so I’ve always done 15/20 mins at one breast and then moved to the other.

Yesterday, I decided to buy a Mam double pump to save time with pumping. This worked well yesterday and we didn’t have any problems.

During the night last night, I only pumped once whereas I normally pump twice. When I pumped once, I used the Elvie pump as this is quieter and I struggled to get 2 oz which I thought was weird as my supply is usually high at that time.

When I first woke up, I got 6 oz which is great for me and I’ve never had that before. However, during the day today, im using the Mam pump and I’m struggling to get 2 oz again - I normally get 3 at least during the day.

So I dont know what’s going on!! Can changing between pumps damage my supply? Is it switching from single boob pumping to double? Is it because I missed a pumping session last night? Is it because I’m watching the bottles to see how much they fill up? Any ideas on how to get this back up?
