Am I being rude?


Hi guys. My bf and I decided to tell his family that I’m pregnant earlier than we were originally going to (we’re waiting until I was 12w but his mom kinda brought up the topic so we told them). I honestly regret it. His mom reacted awfully at first. Threw a little fit, saying we’re too young (I’m 19 he’s 23), and that we have to get married before the baby was born and when we told her we were waiting to get married she cried and went off about how disappointed she was. Then literally later that night she comes up to me and offers for us to move in with her and she’d make room for the baby. I respectfully told her no, we will be fine on our own, after all we did plan this and I already have money saved up for a nicer apartment, baby stuff, etc. then last night, his sister messages me. I know she’s excited and wants to help, but I’m a very independent person, know what I want and I REALLY wanted to wait to start buying stuff, for many reasons. One being, this is my first baby, and I’m very scared about the chance of miscarriage. Also we are moving in 2-3 months and I REALLY don’t want to move a bunch of baby stuff around. I’d rather just wait til we have the place. Also, his family are the type of people that will do all sorts of things for you “out of the kindness in their heart” and then the second you don’t do what THEY want, they throw a fit about it and use it against you. I do like my boyfriends sister and I don’t want to hurt her feelings. Do you think I was too harsh with this? I don’t want to upset his family.