COVID-19 Situation


Hey mommas our there, just wanted to vent a little because I honestly could use any support at this time. So, just recently I found out I was positive for the virus and it took me by surprise. I’m currently 36 weeks today my due date is July 23 and so far I have been on this emotional roller coaster that I sometimes feel alone. My nurses told me to self quarantine for 2 weeks, and also that with my situation of having high blood pressure they want to induce me early probably around weeks 37-39 they said only because they don’t want me to risk having preeclampsia. Now, my husband has been supportive as best as he can until today, when I posted a little something about my situation on FB and he reacted to it as why did I put our business out there, that I’m looking for attention. I told him that I’m not like that, all I wanted was support from my friends and family who are on FB. But he got a bit upset about that, which brought me into tears because he knows this is a difficult time for me especially since I can’t even see anyone right now 😔 I spoke with my doctor today, who told me that nothing is concrete as of yet because this virus is still all new to them but they are leaning more towards the mothers who are positive with the covid-19 that we are going to have to deliver without having anyone there for emotional support that you feel comfortable with expect the nurses. Now that doesn’t completely help calm because this is my first baby after having complications with my last 3 pregnancies that didn’t make it 😢 this couldn’t have been worst timing but I like to think of this as something god wouldn’t send me this plan if he didn’t think I couldn’t handle it. Staying positive for my baby girl Annalise who should make her arrival soon 💓👣👑 knowing this is the only thing that consoles me.