Feeling defeated after appt😔

Ashley • Rainbow Baby Girl 🌸 Due July 16, 2020🌈 4/23/19👼

37 +1 today and had my doctors appt yesterday. I thought for sure I would be a few cm dilated and baby would be low bc I’ve been super uncomfortable when I walk and having on & off contractions.

Well... cervix is completely closed 😒 0cm dilated, 0 cm effaced and baby position is -3 😭

So now doctor told me if I don’t go into labor prior to my next appt in 2 weeks then I will be scheduled for induction. I’m just so bummed out bc I heard induction is extremely painful compared to normal labor. I’m extremely anxious about all of this.

FTM, so if experienced moms wouldn’t mind commenting about their experiences and answering my questions I would very much appreciate it!


1. Has anyone been in this position (0 dilation, 0 effaced, baby -3) and still went into labor on their own? If so, how long after? He pushed on my cervix and stuff and I’ve been super crappy since but I’m guessing that means nothing.

2. What is the induction process like? Will they allow me to get my epidural before they start the Pitocin drip so that I don’t have to wait until it’s unbearable to have relief? Or do you have to be certain amount dilated like normal labor? Cause I know even early induction contractions are awful compared to normal.

3. I have bad SPD pain so walking is difficult. What else can I do to help induce labor? Besides sex and spicy food?

TIA ❤️❤️❤️