So confused!!

So I took my last test about 5 days ago. Since going off the pill I haven’t had a regular cycle and only had spotting last month so therefore aren’t exactly sure when my period is due (however on here it says it’s about a week late). I met test At the start of the week showed the faintest line & was taken in the afternoon. I waited and tested this morning and again the faintest red line. I’ve heard that theses tests aren’t the best but I’m just so confused as that is 2 faint lines on 2 test, when I’ve only ever got negative before. Anyone have any opinions or been through the same thing? I thought it would be much darker by now if I was pregnant, or could I just be much earlier than I thought and therefore it’s only just still picking it up?? Any help would be very appreciated as I am so confused

Above is my test from about 5 days ago^

Below are my tests from this morning