Neonatal SVT


So we were preparing to have our son come home today. In fact, when the NICU called I answered expecting to be told that he’s getting discharged and we could come get him and take him home. Instead the doctor told me that she was just about to discharge him and he experienced an episode of tachycardia. They did tests and the cardiologist diagnosed him with SVT (Supraventricular Tachycardia) and that they are starting him on medication for it. With the new medication he has to stay for 3 days of observation and if they have to make changes it will be another 3 days etc. They are doing an ultrasound of his heart in the morning just to make sure that it’s fine structurally. They said it’s possible he’ll outgrow it, but he’s going to need medication and regular cardiologist appointments until he does (if he does) and will then need to be rechecked periodically after that.

I know this isn’t the end of the world, it’s treatable and in the scheme of things we’re “lucky”...but damn I wasn’t expecting this blow. When you think you’re about to be told your baby can come home and instead you’re told they have a heart issue and need to stay longer....I was already dealing with PPD and PPA, and I honestly don’t know how to deal with this. I feel so bad because I want to go to the NICU and be with my baby, but I’m not sure I can emotionally handle it right now...I feel like a failure of a mother...between being with my one year old, having blood pressure problems since my csection, not recovering well, and other factors, I haven’t been at the NICU as much as I want to be... This has been a rough year...