Period late need help!


Okay, so today is day 11 of my late period. Mind you my period is NEVER late!! It is always early 2-4 days! So this is very odd in itself. I tested and received a negative today but still no period. I had extremely light spotting and I mean like a droplet on day 5 of missed period and that was it. My breast and nipples have been sensitive for over 3 weeks now. And also my cervix. I have been having foot and calf cramps ((which I only have ever gotten when I was pregnant with my other two children)) i have had severe bloating and my bladder now resembles that of a two year old. I feel different, not like a huge difference but defiantly noticeable but the test keeps coming up negative so I don’t know what to think/do. I turned 30 this year, I am on nexplanon birth control which is expired... but have not been able to get in to doctor to get it removed yet. Yes yes I know I need to get it removed just haven’t been able to yet. Has any ladies ever experienced this before? And no I have not recently changed my diet or routine. And I am not under any stress. To be quiet honest I haven’t felt stressed in weeks! I have been in an unusually great mood. Not that I’m not ever in a good mood just recently I’ve noticed it. Things that usually bother me don’t really bother me, I’m just happy.

Oh and when I took the first response digital test the other day and it came up with a (?)

Like I don’t need the test to tell me it has no clue because I don’t!! Lol

Any advice! Please help.

I had sex on June 2nd and June 10th.