How to be respectful

So we have been ebf for 1 month now. I’m not very shy about it and I’m comfortable feeding my child wherever we may be. Obviously with COVID-19 we haven’t been going many places, but coming up on the 4th, my husband family wants to have a cookout and it will be the first time a lot of them will be meeting baby. His mother, father, and grandmother are very uncomfortable with nursing (learned this when his sister had a baby she started pumping for family events but I would like to strictly nurse for now). Even if I use a cover they say stuff about it being weird, nasty, etc. living in the south it’s 95 degrees so way too hot to sit in car to nurse. How am I supposed to feed my child and not offend them at the same time.

FYI my husband definitely defends me nursing the minute anything is said but I’d rather not have arguments and ruin a lovely family day

Added** when I nurse him around them , because I know they are uncomfortable with it, I always use a cover. So nothing is showing they just hate the idea I guess

I can try to go into another room but it’s a two bedroom house (his grandma’s house) and the kids usually take over the bedrooms and play games while the adults talk