Wanting advice/opinions

Since going off the pill 2 months ago my cycle has been al over the place. The first month (May) I didntget a proper period just some light spotting which was weird but I put it down to my body adjusting. However this month I still have yet to get a period or any bleeding at all. My boyfriend and I have had unprotected sex a fair amount in the time I have been off it. I have taken 2 tests, both with veryyy faint pink lines & am also having some minor symptoms. The reviews of the test brand say that they are known for false positives. Does anyone think I’m actually pregnant? Or could it just be a bad batch of tests? Don’t know whether I should wait and test again (maybe I ovulated late?) and also see if my period comes in that time? Please let me know if this has happened to you or what you think as it would be very helpful!! x