Crinone, blood on applicator

Had a scare last night, when trying to use the crinone. I felt resistance (and thinking it was just a buildup of the crinone slowly tried to go around it) and must have nicked something because when I pulled out the applicator there was bright red blood on the length of the applicator and when I wiped. Call my fertility doctor in a frantic who thinks it was just from the crinone (I’m also on a baby aspirin).. the bleeding stopped pretty much right after and I didn’t have any cramping. My levels Friday were good at 9,625 at 5 weeks 1 day. My doctor wants me to come in tomorrow just to check things out. Has anyone had this happen? Will they be able to do an ultrasound tomorrow at 5 weeks 4 days or will it likely just be another hcg?
