Help please

do women always ovulate exactly 14 days from the next period?

Long story short I took clomid from cd 3-7 50mg and never got a full on positive test. (Even though I got positives before taking clomid) I got a slight positive on cd 17 and 19. I called my doctors office and the nurse said they consider a positive a positive no matter what so she thinks I ovulated 6/22 but my period according to the app is still 10 days out so I was just wondering if ovulation is always 14 days from your next period?


Still cramping on cd 26 but still getting negative lines on my opks and my obgyn wants me to take a pregnancy test cd 29 (July 4th). But my period according to the app still Wouldn’t be due for another week. I’m honestly just so confused with their timing and calculations of my cycle and now I’m just getting more and more frustrated. Can anyone help. Please.