I invited my niece to go on our beach trip and now my husband is upset.

So today my sister and niece came over for a visit. I haven’t seen them in a while do to Covid19. But I do talk to my sister a lot on the phone and so she knew that we are going to the beach next week.

Anyway, my niece (age 11), started talking about how she really wanted to go to the beach so that she could look for sand dollars.

So I told her mom that she can come with us. I didn’t even think about running it by my husband. My sister is a single mom and so my niece never gets to go anywhere. Like ever. I do admit that my sister could spend her money more wisely (meaning she likes to give it away to any sap that shreds a tear. Smh). But nevertheless, she does struggle to make ends meet and her daughter never gets to do anything special. So I thought this would be a good thing and she can have some fun. I honestly thought my husband would be ok with it because we have done stuff like this in the past and he really adores my niece.

But my husband is not happy. It’s our first family vacation with our baby and he just wanted it to be us. Its our first child and he feels like now the baby won’t have our full attention. He also mentioned not wanting to spend extra money. He said I could have invited her to the lake trip we are taking later this year.

Now I feel like I ruined our trip. He is not super mad and is not arguing about it but man he looks so disappointed. I don’t t know how to make things right. I don’t want to tell my niece she can’t go. She is just a kid and I hate the idea of disappointing her like that. But idk how to make it up to my husband either. What would you do?