Please help: How to reduce supply / delay morning pump


Hi guys, I've been mostly exclusive pumping for a number of reasons and have down to 4 pumps (my little one is almost 6 months). Currently my painful engorged breasts wake me up at 3/4am. I want to continue giving my girl breastmilk, but I need to figure out how to make it to 5/6 am without being in agony. Any advice? I pump at 4am (9oz / 270ml), 9am (7 oz / 200ml), 2pm (7oz) and 8pm (7oz). It is more than enough for my daughter but I do have an ample freezer stash just in case. I even went to a lactation consultant but she told me to just carry on as is; I think I'll be able to be a better mother if I get a little more sleep while still giving her breast milk.