Pooping mucus with specks of blood.

Does anyone have any idea what could be going on? This has happened to me years before. 2 weeks ago I ate chicken at a Mexican restaurant, and my stomach was very very messed up that day after eating and I was passing large amounts of mucus. I chalked it up to being cooked with the shrimp because I’m quiet positive I have a shrimp intolerance? But this has been 2 weeks I started probiotics again, doing my best to cut out dairy and gluten, but I can’t get into the gastroenterologist until the 20th.. I’m a little worried. I’m not having diarrhea, I didn’t really poop at all yesterday besides passing this mucus. So I have had a good poop in a day 1/2. Also, my stomach feels like it’s burning on the inside sometimes. Very nervous momma here 😩 also 2 days late on my period and I’m freaking out about that as well