Milk supply decreased significantly


So my first child is about 6 months now and a few months ago I switched in over to strictly breastfeeding on the breast ( no bottles at all) and stopped the extra pumping I was doing because we were running out of places to store all of my excess. With Covid-19 and school closures occurring I’ve been home since March with my son full time. Now with the possibility of schools opening in August and me having to send him back to daycare I am now having to begin pumping again to stock up for his return to daycare and my return to my classroom. The last couple of months I’ve experienced a decline in the amount of milk I’m letting down. I’ve tried almost everything and I’m begging to get worried and contemplating having to introduce him to formula because I don’t know how or what to do next. Does anyone have any suggestions they can share from their own experiences that could help me correct this?