🚫TW🚫 leaving the depths of hell


This is my story of overcoming, and it might be triggering for some. From the years 2014-2019 I fell down a dark deep path of self destruction. I fell “inlove with a man” when I was 16, and yes it was a man a 36 year old man. This man was one of my friends from elementary schools father. He pursued a relationship with me of course at first he just wanted someone to talk to since he, and his wife split up. We very soon had a sexual relationship. He turned me against my mother, basically brainwashed into believing he was the only person who loved me. This relationship became very codependent, and on top of that he introduced me to hard drugs. It started with prescription pills, and soon turned into so much more. He became abusive sexually, mentally, and he beat me. I ended up having the courage to leave him in late 2017. By this point i had an addiction to pain killers. In 2018 I met my next abusive partner, and he introduced me to heroin,ice,and rocks. I ended up loosing my place to live, and moved in with him to a camper. He beat me so bad I would have bruises all over my body. In late of 2018 I met a good friend who helped me get away from all this. My good friend told me I could stay with them on one condition,I let them help me detox. I did.  It was the worst two weeks of my life physically, and a battle mentally for the next few months. My friend helped me stay clean, and over time we fell inlove with one another.  He has supported me 100% through my worst time, and never gave up on me. We recently got custody of his two young sons, and I get to live my own personal fantasy of being a stay at home mom! My life in a year and half has changed so much for the better. Everyone who thought I’d never be anything I prove wrong everyday. I went from a full on junkie, to being a mother with a bright future. I now own my own business with my fiance, we own three cars, and this weekend we bought our first home. Dreams do come true if you work hard enough for them. I fell down a dark path for a very long time, and lost the very thing that made me who I am. I was controlled by drugs, and I am amazed when I look back on that part of my life how bad I didn't realize it was. Here is to recovery, and my future.  I am stoked to have got this far, and I never thought I would be able to own my own home. I got a second chance, and I will always be grateful.