

Has anyone here ever experienced appendicitis on the left side rather than the right? If so, how did the pain feel? And for anyone here who has experienced appendicitis, does it feel like anything like a painful cramp?

I’m currently experiencing a real bad pain in my lower left side of my abdomen. I am 24 and I am in shape and eat clean. I do experience painful cramps during my period but they only last for a day. However unlike cramps, The pain that I am currently experiencing feels like a really bad cramp with a lot of pressure and is beginning to move around the my back but it is ONLY on the left side and the pain is not in my uterus or pelvic area at all. I do get mittleshmerz during ovulation so I know how painful that can be and how it only occurs on one side but this pain is further up in my abdomen and is more of an intense pressure. My period is due any day this week but I’m not sure why my period would be starting off with such a painful cramp like this and only on my left side. *I have not had sex in years so I am NOT pregnant*