Desperate wife!
So ladies I need your help on how to bust my cheating husband. I went threw his laptop and he’s been looking for a lawyer to try and take custody of my girls. I’ve been a stay at home mom for 8 years. Things were great in the beginning but he started changing. I have no access to the bank account the phone statements nothing so I think he’s planning something but he won’t tell me. its very fishy. He’s had All the signs of a cheater carries his phone 24/7 works over time. Never had time for us and says he’s got lots of work. I understand that but he rather be at work then at home. Never spends time with our girls. He Never wants to have sex, I’m invisible to him. And it’s getting so over whelming and draining. When I ask him why he’s changed what’s wrong. He said Its just me I’m crazy and insecure. But I can tell he doesn’t love me anymore his body language and quite frankly I don’t really either. He’s pushed me away for so long & so much that I feel numb. I use to cry myself to sleep because I wanted him to love me. To this day any little fight he leaves. I’m the only one there for our girls he provides financially but that’s about it. So I just want to get to the bottom of this & move on. But I need prof I’ve asked if he’s seeing someone he says no he will deny it. So I have to do something to find out for myself because I can’t bare to live this way anymore. If he doesn’t love me then why not confront it like a man and move on. But since this is his second marriage and he makes alot of Money he’s worried about child support that’s my guess because with his ex he fought to keep his son too so he wouldn’t pay child support and we have custody of him. So he’s smart by the looks of it he thinks he’s got it all figured out. But I need evidence prof that he’s cheating. So he can stop saying it’s me it’s all in my head. When it’s not. He doesn’t want a relationship with me he wants a maid & nanny to be just roommates so he won’t have to give me any type of explanations. Of where’s he’s at when he’s coming home why he can’t spend time with us. Anyway one day me and my girls went to the mall & while we were there this girl kept staring at us. Even followed us around, It was so obvious. But I had no clue who she was. Or why. But the moment I saw her I just had this bad gut feeling. Anyway one day I was on Facebook and found her I remembered her face. So I went to her account and it said she worked where my husband worked. So she obviously knows who me and my girls are by her reaction. Any way I left it at that, but one day I went to her profile again out curiosity & she had posted a picture she had gotten flowers 50 roses from someone special. And the funny thing is my husband had gave me some flowers like hers exactly the day before same just less roses. It was on Valentine’s Day. That day my husband didn’t get off work till 8 and was to tired to even do anything with me. I don’t know but she gives me a bad vibe. So anyway I asked him one day does a girl by this name work there. His face was like in shock. He got so red and said no why! Acting so nervous it was weird. I said oh really she doesn’t because so and so said she was working there. I just made that up. He denied it and said no. I said your a fucken lier yes she does why are you denying it. I was just mad. He would lie to my face! So he finally admitted and said she did. I said then why lie. So from there on I’ve had my suspicions about her. Anyway last night I went threw his work iPad and found out that she’s an inventory supervisor which means he must of have her that job position because my husband is the director of packing operations. A while back I had asked him what she did there he said she was just making tickets. So something is up I just know it. Also I found her number in his contacts iPad under a boys name. What are the odds lol another red flag. Either way I will never be able to know the truth from him so I need help busting him. I know it’s petty but I need to know I’m desperate. I can’t sleep eat it’s haunting me. I need ways I can either catch him right handed or see what I can do. Is there an app or something I can see his texts who he’s texting because he spends a lot of time on the phone and always wants to be alone. Had a lock on it. He’s so secretive It’s frustrating knowing something is up but can’t prove it. I need help. And evidence he’s cheating. I need it so he can stop denying it and saying I’m crazy and insecure. It’s driving me crazy. I know he’s cheating and I’m scared if I wait to long he will go and file for divorce kick me out and keep my girls. I don’t care he can keep everything the house property’s I just want custody of my girls and move on. He works so much that he won’t have time for them. I worry where he would leave our girl if he has them. My girls are so close to me they are with me all day everyday. They hardly ever see him or spend time with him. He works so much even on Sundays. I know he they will have to spend time with him too he’s there dad but I’m the one that’s always there when they get hurt, sad or need anything. I love my girls I would do anything to see them happy and have a happy home. But we can no longer offer them that. So it’s best we both move on and coparent like mature people we are. On my part I will never keep the girls away from him. But I rather have full custody and him not pay me child support as long as i can keep them with me. I rather that then have my girls leave with other people to take care of them. They would be devastated if they can’t be with me and have to stay with strangers. It beaks my heart. This is why I need to find out soon so I can file for divorce first. And figure out a parenting plan that’s in there best interest. We are currently taking marriage counseling but even then he blames me for everything, for everything. He takes no responsibility. He was supposed to try and work on our marriage make time for us and never did. I just want evidence so my pastor can see how full of crap he is and see why things never worked out because he was cheating. I tired every in my power to make this marriage work. But when a man doesn’t love you anymore why keep waisting your time. If I would of seen in effort on his part maybe I would have a different opinion but he never tried or cared. He only agreed to the counseling because of a domestic abuse insident that happened and I had pressed charges that I ended up removing because supposedly he wanted to save our marriage. He’s so fake and full of crap. He pretends to be such a good guy to his family people at work our pastors but in reality with me he’s a different person. He can’t fool me. He can fool others but not me, and he’s a total jerk. And I wish I would of never married him. He’s lied to me all these years and still continues to. I need help please! Any suggestions please I’m begging. I’m desperate! I need to know already. It’s been almost 5 years of this and I can’t take it any more. I need answers so I can find peace and move on with my girls. I know God will help us get threw any obstacle as long as we have each other. My girls are my world there perfect and beautiful in every way. There ages are 3, 6 & 7 there my world and I just want to offer them something better then this for them to have happy parents no more fighting and two have both parents there for them. I can’t promise there dad will always be there but I will do the best I can. To be there& to always protect them. Thanks You all..
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