Are you feeling your first baby move yet?



When did it start?

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Yes but only when I'm laying down and at certain points through the day. I've noticed mine seems to be on a schedule of waking up around 11 and going back to sleep only a few minutes later. I am 18 1/2 weeks and started being able to feel her when laying on my back at 16 weeks. Now if I put my hand on my stomach I can feel her kick my hand. Due Dec 5th. I cant wait until I can feel her when I'm sitting up and walking around.


Amy • Jul 7, 2020
Same here! Daddy felt her move this morning in bed!


Posted at
I’m 15 weeks today and felt the first little movements for sure. I thought I was before but it was gas. Lol this is my fourth.


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Yes! I was feeling movement for a few weeks but yesterday I felt the first kicks! 17wks 1day today. :D


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I have felt some movement but not very much. I have an anterior placenta so will probably be a bit longer for me. Currently 18 week


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I started feeling my baby move at 13 weeks confirmed by my doctor. Now that the baby is moved up higher I mostly feel the movement when I lay on my left side, occasionally when I stand in the shower. Currently 17 and 5