Itching. Worried about cholestasis. Help!


Hi mamas! I am 15 weeks pregnant and know it’s uncommon to have cholestasis this early. I am itchy on my back, arms and shins mostly. Sometimes my ankle itches but I kind of ignore that because I have severe seasonal allergies and walked outside barefoot even though I’m allergic to grass (🤦🏻‍♀️).

My itching isn’t severe and doesn’t seem to get worse at night. It gets worse the more I think of it, of course. I called my doctor and they told me to take Benadryl which I haven’t because I’ll sleep all day. It’s been going on for a couple weeks now. Can anyone give me any input on whether this does sound concerning or like cholestasis to you? I had PUPPS with my previous pregnancy so I know it’s not that. Just praying it’s a weird, allergy/hormone thing and not serious. I honestly am terrified of having cholestasis because of the risk of fetal death. Just need some help!