Me again 😬

Awhile ago I posted about how my FIL is a meth addict. We found out about two months ago, but he’s been on drugs for about 3 years. He snorts it.

During this time, he would give my then 10 month old sips of his slushee immediately after being in the garage for an hour. Now I know what he was doing in the garage. He did this for a very long time. I can’t be sure, but I believe there was a little bit of residue on there every time he gave some to her. Keep in mind we did NOT know he was a drug addict at the time. However my MIL has known all along, but kept it secret so her husband wouldn’t be upset and we would keep coming around. My daughter is 1.5 now, and he’s doing it about 7 times a day.

I feel really angry towards them both. I forgive them, but I’m still very very angry. They both put my daughter in harms way, knowing full well how dangerous meth was. I usually can’t sleep because he wants to see her so bad, and he would break into our house if it meant seeing her.

We haven’t let my FIL see my daughter since April, and he’s very angry about it but that’s another story. My MIL has seen my daughter a handful of times, but I just don’t know how to forget that she was involved too. She left my baby alone with him multiple times so she could run to the store or take a shower, ETC. Drugs usually trump most things, and I know that if he needed a fix he wouldn’t have had a problem leaving her, or taking her with.

My MIL has told her daughter multiple times that she misses our daughter, but I have yet to receive a text asking to meet up so she can see her. I only ever hear it secondhand. She is the kind of person who doesn’t speak up when someone is getting hurt or something wrong has happened, so maybe she’s too shy to text. I’m not jumping to text her because every time I think about it I’m so angry. I will never trust her alone with my daughter again, but how can I get past the fact that she left my daughter alone with a drug addict? Has anyone ever dealt with this before?