Does your family gossip/talk shit about each other?

Making a poll because according to my mom all families gossip and talk bad about each other and it is normal. My family is extremely judgmental and toxic and your secrets are not safe with anyone. If you want your secret to stay a secret you will just have to keep it to yourself. I hear people in my family constantly badmouth each other and call them names such as fat, dirty, weird, crazy, etc. behind their backs but be nice to their face. I hate this kind of behavior. Obviously yes people get upset with each other and that’s normal but I have a large family that loves to gossip and judge to the point where I have never let my boyfriend meet my family because they’re so judgmental and it causes me stress. And I’m just wondering is this normal because I don’t think it is.

Also I’m not talking about just immediate family I’m also referring to aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents etc.

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