8 years of waiting


I've been With my husband for 8 years married only a year. We have a 5 year old, 3 year old and a 4 month old. I've left a few times throughout the years due to him talking to other woman. I've came back because of my kids. I wanted to keep my family together now I'm in no way money hungry. I never have been. I'm satisfied with enough to support my kids. But we started off with living with his mother now we are living with his brother and gf and three kids. He is currently not working because the loader isn't working and don't have the money to fix it cause it's just a small logging company owned by his uncle. That he's been with since the start which he's never maid hardly anything but it was enough to get by but now he will not get a job or let alone even try. I've had a job and it caused us to fight Everytime I came home because he'd swear I was flirting with a man or he'd always start his mess about me not cooking before I left but anyway that's been a couple years ago. But I'm seriously thinking about leaving because all he wants me to do is be a maid and babysitter. He doesn't help with the kids he's not working but he goes fishing everyday all day and don't come home till dark eats goes to his uncle's comes back n take a shower and go straight to bed. If I was to leave I'd have a house by myself I just have to clean it up and I'll have help till I can get a job. I mean I Kno it probably doesn't sound like a big deal but he isn't trying to better us or himself for that matter. Im 23 years old I want a house of my own. If he would even put in a lil effort it would be different but he's not. If I say something bout a job I heard about he IGNORES ME. Like I haven't said a word and goes to talk bout something else. Would you stay? Is it wrong for me to leave to better myself and kids

* He can't come with me to the house because my family deeply doesn't like him one bit.