Has your S/O ever thrown away your things while upset?


Hi Ladies, I just found out today when I got off work that my fiancé threw away a belonging of mine apparently a few days ago when he was upset he says. Here’s the thing. He didn’t even have the guts to tell me on his own, he wanted me to find it and cause confrontation. That’s childish, he’s 27. And ladies the thing he threw away was a doll😳I made it myself. I don’t consider myself an artist or anything but when creativity strikes I will paint, play piano, bake, etc. and it usually turns out pretty well😄 Well this time I made a doll, in my S/O’s likeness in fact.


We had a running joke that he (the doll) would keep me company when actual him works his night shifts. Anyway he knew it meant a lot to me because I made it. I named it Tiny [insert my s/o’s name]. I had it for a couple months and I set it on my dresser next to a small stuffed teddy (also of significant sentimental value) that my s/o gave me when we dated the first time in high school 10 years ago. So he came into my room, left the bear he gave me but threw away what I made! He never really like the doll much tbh. He thought it was creepy because the hair he cut off his head I also used int the doll. Intimate yes, creepy? No I don’t think so. Anyway he knew what I was doing when I was making the doll, no shady stuff and he said ok I could use it as material. Because my fiancé knew this meant a lot to me, he threw it away to hurt me. He knows that I’m not materialistic and throwing away other items that some may hold to higher standards won’t phase me. So he took something my heart and care was put into and threw it away. All the while he’s been smiling in my face likes he’s done nothing wrong. Just the other day we even had a conversation about honesty and vulnerability. He could have told me then. He said it was a few days ago and then went back to sleep but I can’t recall an argument we’ve had within the past week and a half that would have caused him to be this angry. I’ve done nothing to deserve this😒. When he wakes up, should I give him hell or play it cool?

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