Another positive!


I have been trying to conceive for a long time. I have had a few chemicals and sooo many positive pregnancy tests that turned out to be negative when I took blood tests. I know I'm not the only one that goes thru this. When I read stories like mine it breaks my heart but I know I'm not alone.

Two months ago I tested positive for about 3 weeks, more that 10 different brands of tests. I was super excited. I told my husband, and I could not get over how excited he was on a daily. He had nausea for a week straight and headaches along with it. I decided to go to the doctors and get tested. Urine came back negative and blood test came back <5.

My doctor still could not give me a reason for why I test positive other than I had microscopic traces of urine in my blood.

I got my "period" in June for my normal 3-4 days, not heavy and not filling up my tampons. So I knew we lost it, if I ever was pregnant. So I ovulated 8 days ago, and I took a test again today. I thought for sure it would be negative. But... Another positive test.

At this point, after so many years of positive tests, and no belly growing, I'm beginning to believe I have some sort of cancer or organ failure. I don't have any other explanation. I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in April. I have lost 20 lbs since and I was getting excited because weight loss helps with conceiving. But at the same time my heart wants to give up. I had gone months without testing and letting it be, but I feel like my eggs are running out of time. I'm 34 with a 14 year old and an 11 year old. I wasnt supposed to be done having children.

Here's my positive.