help! i’m in a fight with my girlfriend


my gf and i have been dating for about a year and a half, and we’re totally in love! we rarely have issues, but when we do, it’s usually because i smoke weed or something and she worries about it. i’m a teenager, so it makes sense; i probably shouldn’t be doing it, but i still do it. anyways, she gets upset and scared and sad, but she also doesn’t want to be controlling.

she can also get a bit insecure and jealous, and a couple days ago, i went skinny dipping with my sister and a childhood friend. literally nothing could ever happen between us, but it was still wrong of me to do it.

we don’t know where to go from here. if we keep going like this, she’ll be upset and uncomfortable with some regularity. if i just stop smoking weed and everything, it’ll be a controlling relationship and i’ll feel like i can’t have fun because of her. help!