Could use a pep talk 😩

I'm at the end of one of my classes. (My school is accelerated and terms are 10 weeks.)

I'm close to finals and if that wasn't rough enough I've dropped the ball a lot this week and forgot to log into a lecture and also a homework assignment. My instructor chewed me out and I know if will affect my grade. I also have reason to believe that my classmates have been doing Zoom study sessions and not inviting me. I know they don't like me, they think I kiss up to the teacher, bit I just want to do really well.

I know I shouldn't care what people think but it sucks. I don't think the teacher or the students like me very much. I just wanted to kick ass in this class and I'm falling apart. I just want to get these finals over with. 😭😭😭

The good news is I'll have a new instructor in August, but I'll have the same classmates until I finish. I just need motivation to finish this class strong and tell my classmates to fuck off (in my mind at least. Lol)