Ovulation while taking Letrozole?


I have PCOS and ovulated for the first time in like forever on 7.5mg Letrozole last month. Unfortunately didn’t respond as well this month (took it CD4-8). Ultrasound on CD11 showed 10mm follicle of right ovary and only 3.2mm uterine lining. RE decided to immediately start me on another round of Letrozole, this time 10mg with low dose Naltrexone (25mg). Today is CD14 and when I awoke this AM had moderate amount of EWCM on TP. Also feeling some twinges around my right ovary region. Still have 2 more doses of Letrozole to go. Is it possible to ovulate WHILE taking Letrozole? Has this happened to anyone else and if so, what was the outcome??