Hypocritical friends?? 🙄

So, I have 2 friends who I'm usually pretty close with. C and L. We're all adults with our own homes, lives, and jobs. C's 22nd birthday was on June 1st, right in the middle of when COVID happened. I was already planning on traveling out of state to visit my brother, and I offered to extend the trip so C and L could go with me as like a girls vacation, plus as a birthday celebration for C. We spent weeks planning it, eventually centering it around C's birthday because she wanted to go visit national monuments and sightseeing. The day we left for the trip, C got a call from her boss saying her vacation days have been canceled due to work overflow, leaving us with only the next 3 days for our trip. So we decided to still go, and we cut out the visit to my brother so we could come back home early and still give C a great birthday trip. We went on the trip, and L and I basically paid for the entire trip for C since it was her birthday and she was really low on money from being furloughed the last few months. No issue. It was a great trip.

Well, the weekend after, L decided to throw a huge birthday party for C. We all went and had fun. She even went all out and baked a cake and cupcakes and hang decorations and stuff. It was super cute. We all bought her presents as well. So... Like 3 days after THAT, C got all upset because nobody wanted to go out for a birthday dinner with her. So some family members, and L and her boyfriend all took her out to dinner. (I had work and couldn't make it)

So basically, C had 3 MAJOR birthday celebrations. We literally took her to Mount Rushmore and the badlands for her birthday and paid for it all. I'm not complaining, it was super fun and we all enjoyed going on the trip and giving her an awesome experience. I'm just explaining the extravagance of her birthday. Especially during COVID, when everything was basically closed. (We were all pretty proud of ourselves for still coming up with a sweet vacation)

So, now about 2 months later, my birthday is coming up. The three of us had previously discussed taking me up to a local town with a lot of winery's and bars for a weekend since it's my 21st birthday. Well, it's about a week from my birthday and nobody has said anything. I'm not big on extravagant celebrations or expecting anything, so I haven't said anything and it's really not a huge deal if we do anything big anyway.

My boyfriend and I put the idea out there to our other group of friends, suggesting maybe a night at a water park or something, and while most people loved the idea, one of our friends is concerned about COVID and said he wouldn't come since it's such a crowded place. So eventually we decided on the day of my birthday we'll just do something little and hit a few bars and play pool instead. He agreed he'd feel comfortable doing that since my birthday is on a Monday night and won't be as crowded. I'm super flexible with most things and even just going to a bar for my 21st and keeping it low key is just fine. I'd rather everyone be able to come, instead of doing something big where some people can't come.

So my boyfriend and I messaged everyone the general plan, which bars we're going to, and that anyone who feels like it can show up and hang out with us whenever, and everyone was really wishy washy about it. (Okay, it's a Monday, I get it if people can't come) Well, 5 of our friends, including C and L, are either off that day and Tuesday, or are willing to take off.)

L messaged me and said she might be busy and to mark her down as a maybe. (She's a stay at home girlfriend....)C said she plans on getting drunk that Sunday night and will be too hungover that Monday to come. I just said alright, and to message me if plans change. (They both love drinking and going out to bars so I was super confused why they wouldn't want to come)

Idk. I feel really disappointed. I'm not one to make a fuss about my birthday, since I really don't care much for celebrations, but the way they made it sound really seemed like they just didn't want to come. Like, after everything I did for C's birthday, and with how much I do for both of them just in general, (I do custom commissions for both of them for free, invite them over often and feed them, I've given C rides to work, etc... just general "being a good friend" things) it just really feels like I'm being shit on here. C loves star wars and I invited her over one night to watch the originals and have a movie and wine night since she was feeling depressed and I wanted to cheer her up, and she told me she couldn't afford the gas. That same night, I noticed she went out to an arcade with L. Again, I didn't really say anything, I was just silently disappointed.

I even offered to change which day we go out (even though it would mean me not getting free birthday drinks) if it worked better for them, but they just said "idk maybe."

And for context, our other friends love spending time with us and ask to hang out often. My boyfriend and I bend over backwards for our friends and love hosting things and making sure everyone feels comfortable and has a good time. Maybe every other weekend we'll invite folks over for a bonfire or game night. None of our friends are concerned about COVID, so that's not why C and L might not want to come. They also aren't covering for some kind of surprise party either, they really don't do that of thing.

Am I being a baby about this? Should I just get over it and not do anything for my birthday? I feel childish for being disappointed about this, but I guess I feel like it's justified since I'm not asking for much.

**Everything is open in our state. None of our friends have been concerned about covid and we've all hung out like normal throughout this whole thing(Only difference is we all wear masks now), so it's not like they suddenly changed their minds. I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this and call them out or anything, I just needed to vent.