Personal Trainer

Hi! This is my first post but I just wanted to get some advice on getting a personal trainer. I’m not far off my goal weight but since about senior year of high school I haven’t been satisfied with my weight gain and unhealthy eating habits. I’ve had about 4 different gym memberships in hopes that I will finally get into it but It doesn’t work out since I have a lot going on in my days and end up just not making time for it & I always just feel so lost when I’m in the gym. I’ve also tried at home workouts but I also find it doesn’t work because I have too many distractions at home. I know it’s my own determination that will get me to where I want to be, so I only can blame myself for not working out as much as I want to. Recently I’ve really been unhappy with my weight and I can tell my health has suffered from it as well because I get dizzy whenever I push myself during workouts which didn’t happen before. I’m still young so that’s not good and it’ll only get worse if I don’t start healthy habits so after all that backstory here’s my point of saying all that.. I’ve been thinking about getting a personal trainer because I feel thats what I need, to have someone professionally guide me. If Im paying for training then I will make myself go to the sessions since its pricey and I know I’m wasting a lot more money by not going so I can’t have the same excuses I have for the gym. If anyone has or has had a personal trainer can you tell me if you feel it’s worth it to invest in? Thank you ✨