What in the actual heck


So we had a missed miscarriage back in May at 8 weeks. Ended up failing an attempt to induce at home so had a D&C June 3rd. Got my period July 3rd. So far so good. Lasted 5 days. Since then I've had the very teeniest tiniest amount of old blood spotting only when I wipe maybe once a day or so. Didn't think anything of it. But TODAY (CD10) I had some mild cramping and just wiped more pinkish blood. What in the actual heck. I'm normally very regular, so i shouldn't ovulate til Friday. Also, took Clearblue advanced OPT today and it was negative. We've had sex a couple of times the past 3 days (last time yesterday) but nothing crazy. I've never had spotting mid cycle before. I know it's possible with ovulation, but I'm not ovulating yet. Help me out, ladies, what's going on? Bad hormones?