At home doppler?

Spirit Momma Bursey • Spiritual momma. 6 earthside, 6 as angels but love enough to fill my soul. The end of an era. Newest, and last, little born 02/28/24. Momma loves you all my littles.

How many moms have gotten an at home doppler? At what week did it start working effectively? Has it helped you to ease any pregnsncy related fears?

Im 10 weeks today and just ordered one. I had a MMC in February and a chemical in April so between uktradound I thought this would be a good way to keep some anxiety away as I suffer from jt very badly.

Ive been much calmer this time arou nd than when I got pregnsnt in January, and try to only allow positivd thoughts as the law of attractuon states what you put out j to the universe you get back.

Also, I think it wojld be a way to connect my husvsnd more to the pregnancy as hes not allowed inside at any appointments and recordings or video chats aren't as connecting.

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