Has come a long way


My little dude has came a long way. He was born at 35 weeks on 3/24/20 4lbs 14oz and 18½ inches long. His lungs weren't fully developed and he had phenomena on top of that. He was 8½lbs when he was weighed last which was almost 2months ago he feels like he is 10 or 11lbs now lol. He still had times where he was holding his breath for up to 1min at a time but that hasn't happened in a week so I'm hoping he's now over that. He smiles and giggles and loves to play. He loves sitting on the couch to watch toy story 4 and hells kitchen lol. He doesn't roll over at all yet but does lift his head and chest off the floor during tummy time. I'm so proud of my little dude.

Jett the day he was born ☝️

1 month old☝️

2 months old ☝️

3 months old ☝️ 👇