Pregnancy scare

I’m just crying rn even though I don’t know if I am pregnant. I don’t know what to do. I have been getting negative tests and only had a few vvvfl in the past 2 months or more. I feel like I could be pregnant even though I had been bleeding since I’ve noticed a change in my periods. My periods have got lighter and lighter since april. My doctors are no help and are telling me my symptoms are normal. I just want a blood test for reassurance 😭. My periods due at the end of this week but got spotting over the weekend which lasted 2 days and now finished. I wouldn’t say it’s ovulation spotting as I ovulated on last Tuesday as I had got very stretchy Cm which I can include in the comments

I’ve tested this morning and got a negative. I really haven’t been stressin out so I wouldn’t say it could be that. Just started worrying about pregnancy this morning. I’m just worried that I’m pregnant even with negative tests 😞