How to bring it up?

Nani • 👩‍👧‍👦💍-👧👶 (👼3/6/20; MMC 👼7/3/20 at 5wks) Sometimes life hands you exactly what you need. Go with the 🔀 Flow. Trust the process.

My husband and I have a 1 yr old together. Right before the babies' bday I found out I was pregnant, in March. We lost that baby and were grieving in our own ways. I was schedule for Cold Cone surgery June 16, (which terrified me because I worried about my fertility afterwards). The day before I take a test and find out I'm pregnant, accidentally from broken condom and plan B not working.

Just last week I find out it was a missed miscarriage and the baby didn't make it 😭 I'm distraught and my husband seems cool, calm, and collected. He said " it's okay" when I told him we lost the baby, but that was all. We haven't spoken much about it but I want to talk about it. Guys react differently than us, I just dont know how to bring it up.

How can I bring up the topic? I just want to know how he feels about it at all. I feel like crap about it daily and I want to know that I'm not alone in feeling that way.

Thanks for reading.