Engagement talk

I know it is so early to talk about engagement. Me and my boyfriend have been talking about moving in together in the near future and being together. We talk about kids and what not. We have been dating for a little over a year so not long at all in my book.

We always talk about moving in and kids and marriage and all that.

I kind of just told him tonight I had a thought that maybe we could get engaged before I move in to his house when he buys it??

Idk it just popped up into my head. He was kind of surprised and I was like well not any time soon.

Then he made the point that whatsthe difference if I move in and we were engaged or if we weren’t and I still move in. And I agree there really is no difference. Like I said it was just a thought I had.

Now I feel like I freaked him out. I told him I’m in no rush and just love dating him and going out on dates so yeah idk now I feel like I freaked him out.