Iud came out / period / pregnancy

I felt like my iud was out of place for a while because i could feel the string (which I know is normal) but I felt like it could have been the iud itself cuz it was a little harder. But i thought i could have been wrong because I had no symptoms of it coming out.

Well last week I knew it was out of place because the strings was Hanging out like a tampon so I made the apt and it had came out so they just took it out of me. Which I was ok with.

But now my question is, I had a period with my iud. A normal less painful period. But now my period is 3 almost 4 days late. So i took a pregnancy test and it was a very faint positive yesterday and took another one today and it looked to be negative. My period is never late.

So my question is has anyone ever had their iud fallen or taken out and it affected your period? How was it affected?

I also have my tubes tied but I know a handful of people who got pregnant with them tied. I do not want to be pregnant. 😂 and everyone asks so il go ahead and state I got my tubes tied to not get pregnant & the iud to help my painful periods.