If masks are mandatory and you’re not wearing one, should you be asked to leave?


Today I was in a grocery store and outside of the store there were signs right in front of the doors saying masks are required to enter the store. They are mandatory in my state. I was wearing my mask but I noticed as I was shopping, there was a woman not wearing a mask. She was in front of me in line as I was waiting to pay for my food. No one asked her to leave or questioned her that I saw.

She was still able to shop and she paid for her items. She may have some kind of medical problem that I’m not aware of, but masks were literally required to enter the store and I just find it odd no one asked her to leave or to put one on. Do you think these people should be asked to leave? And no the store wasn’t privately owned it’s a chain of grocery stores. If she did have a medical issue, okay. However if not, how can we try to lower the cases if people aren’t following simple rules?

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