7 weeks - bright red blood & doctor visit (pic)


Warning: Photo of blood!

Posting this to hopefully help someone else!

I am a little over 7 weeks pregnant with our first child. Yesterday when I went to the restroom, I noticed (unknowingly) that I bled through my jeans. I wiped and saw bright red blood (photo below). Of course, my first feeling was terror and I thought for sure I was losing our baby.

I immediately called my OB’s office and talked to the on call nurse to pass my message to my doctor. Within 2 minutes, my OB was on the phone with me and asking questions. She asked if I was experiencing extreme cramping with the bleeding - I had none. I was just like a gush that I didn’t even realize was blood at first. She also asked if I have experienced any other bleeding. At 6 weeks I did have some bad cramping and then brown blood the next morning but everything I looked up about this said it was normal so I didn’t panic then. Now, I was panicking.

My doctor asked me to come in today and we saw a healthy baby with a HEARTBEAT! I still can’t believe that after this much blood (not to mention what was on my jeans) we had a healthy baby! The heartbeat was 151 and baby measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days (just 2 days behind and this was through an external ultrasound).

The cause of this blood is what is called a subchorionic hematoma/hemorrhage which is a pocket that can fill with blood and release (what happened to me). I had no idea what this was before today, but my doctor assured me that now that we have heard a heartbeat, the chance of miscarriage is less than 5%! I will most likely bleed like this more and will be going to my OB more often, for more ultrasounds - a blessing to get to see our baby more!

Hope this helps someone else who could have been freaking out like me. Prayers for all of us as we navigate through this time!