Day 3 transfer tomorrow - wish me luck!

Dana • We have one amazing 5yo IVF baby. 41 and TTC #2. After 4 retrievals with 6 failed transfers, we're doing a few Hail Mary IUIs in Feb/March to use up our donor sperm, then closing the book on TTC 🤞

After much discussion with the embryologist and our specialist, we're going ahead with a Day 3 transfer of our best embryo tomorrow.

At the moment (Day 2) we have 5 fertilised embabies: 4x4 cells👍and 1x6 cells (more than ideal, but maybe OK).

Both the embryologist and the RE wanted to wait until Day 5, but psychologically we're just not up for it. We've done 3 other cycles with about 15 embryos in total and had literally ONE blast. Which failed to implant. This is our last shot, and if we got to Day 5 with no embabies still kicking, it would just be too unbearable.

So, eeeek! Against advice, for better or for worse, we're transferring tomorrow
