Going to bed struggle

Aricka • IUI and IVF Warrior 🍍💉

This is more to prove to my husband that we’re not alone. But do any of you have kids who protest bed time... like drag it out as long as possible.

Example of a night for us:

Gets on pjs

Runs to get 3 cars

Trying to get him to brush his teeth

Runs to get another car

Brushes teeth

Wants to wash his hands or a car

Finally gets him to his room

Wants to race cars

Gets him in bed

Reads a book says a prayer

Wants another book

Reads another book

Wants a story told

“Needs to go potty “

Goes potty

Comes back wants a song

Sings song

Needs to go hug the other parent again

Comes back needs another song

Mom or dad almost out the door - sing me song

Mom or dad leave- calls for other parent