

A little backstory. I was breastfeeding and hadn’t gotten my period but we wanted to TTC so our kids could be close in age. I’ve been intermittently doing OPKs since June just to see and no positive. I more recently stopped breastfeeding so I figure at some point I will ovulate and get my period l. I had a pack of clearblue advanced digital tests leftover from the last time I TTC so I used one three days ago and it was negative, then yesterday I used it and I got a static smiley face indicating peak fertility but never got the flashy smiley face days (I’m guessing because I started testing too close to my LH surge). So I decided to do one of the Easy@Home strips yesterday afternoon to see if this matches up with the clearblue advanced and my result is the one circled in yellow below. To me it looks as dark as the control line, but the Glow and Premom apps both say it’s high but not peak?? We’ve been having sex every other day, and did have sex yesterday after I got the static smiley face and what I thought was a positive Easy@Home strip. I’m going to test again this afternoon just because I’m curious, but do y’all this yesterday was my LH surge? Sort of miraculous if I actually managed to test at the right time given that I have no period to time my testing off of 🤪. I plan to baby dance tonight as well!