My bf is being a dick about me taking a pregnancy test


Ladies, I'm on the combo pill. I missed one the first week of my pack and now my period is 4 days late. My natural response? Buy a test and check and make sure I'm not pregnant. This has happened a couple times before in our 1.5 year relationship, but not a crazy amount. My bf is so pissy because he said he's never been with a girl who's taken so many tests (I've taken maybe 4 or 5 in our whole relationship and some of those were at the same time). He said "why would I wanna have sex with someone if they're gonna take a pregnancy test every single time?" He's exaggerating. He says it's annoying. We want kids, but not for a long time (we're 22 and 23). I hate having to explain myself to him. As a woman, I feel like its a totally normal response to take a test if you miss your period. I would do this without including him because it really doesn't concern him unless its positive, but we live together so thats kinda hard to do. How do I make him understand that I'm not being crazy? 🙄 Like I haven't been overreacting or talking about it or anything. Ugh, men.